OUR MISSION: To identify, develop and equip global leaders to serve children, youth, adults and families through training on leadership development, networking, technical assistance, resource materials, sharing best practices and lessons learned.
Our Leadership
Dr. Matthew Parker
Rev. Michael T. Westbrook
Rev. Maria Westbrook
Diane Proctor Reeder

OUR CORE VALUES: The role and responsibility of global leaders in reaching the globe for Christ has its foundation in Matthew 28:16-20, Acts 13:1 and Acts 17:26, which means they have been called by God, commissioned by Jesus Christ and enabled by the authority of the Holy Spirit.
The Story Begins
In the Fall of 1981, Matthew Parker was a part-time instructor at William Tyndale College in Farmington Hills, Michigan. During the Fall of 1982, Parker led the launching, under the auspices of William Tyndale, of the Urban Studies Associate of Arts Degree with 17 students who received scholarships funded by Highland Park Baptist Church, Ward Evangelical Presbyterian Church and World Vision that covered one-half of their tuition costs. By 1984, Parker was the Director of Urban Ministry Programs for William Tyndale.
In June of 1984, the Urban Ministry Programs Department hosted The Summit on Black Church Development. The Planning Committee members were Dr. John Perkins, Founder, Christian Community Development Association and Mendenhall Ministries; Pastor Haman Cross, Jr., Rosedale Park Baptist Church; Charles Oliver, Retired Pastor, Elim Baptist Church; Pastor Joseph White (deceased), Mt. Lebanon-Strathmoor Church; Judge Gerswin Drain; and Bishop Charles Middleton, Pastor Mt. Zion New Covenant Church of Detroit.
Since 1984, Parker’s networking relationships with authors, banks, churches, colleges, conferences, foundations, health agencies, mission groups, non-profits, trainers and volunteers have touched more than 10 million people. The result has been the generation of more than $50 million in revenues, in-kind contributions, and resources; and the launching of and 40 faith-based initiatives.
In addition, attendees, along with other African American authors, have been signed with major publishing companies. More than 400 such authors have signed with these companies since 1985, including Baker Books; Harvest House; InterVarsity Press; Judson Press; Kregel Publications; Moody Publishers; NavPress; Discovery House; Thomas Nelson; Tyndale House; Urban Ministries, Inc.; and Zondervan.

Our Accomplishments
The first Summit on Black Church Development held at William Tyndale College, Farmington, Michigan.
Billy Graham Center Archives start gathering oral interviews of Summit Group leaders. There are 20 in the archives.​
Summit leaders collaborate on “Consultation on the Black Family,” hosted by World Vision in Monrovia, California.
Summit leaders collaborate on Atlanta ’88: Congress on Evangelizing Black America. One-thousand delegates came from 10 countries. The video, audio and written documentation of Atlanta '88 are housed in the Billy Graham Center Archives on Evangelism and Discipleship.
Matthew Parker and Summit Group leaders incorporate The Institute for Black Family Development as an independent 501(c)(3). The Institute was an outgrowth of "Consultation on the Black Family," hosted by World Vision in Monrovia, California. Funding for the first five years provided by Focus on the Family, Prison Fellowship and World Vision, Inc.
Stanley Gundry of Zondervan Corporation starts publishing relations with Summit Group leaders and other leaders from the African American community.
Greg Thornton of Moody Bible Institute and The Global Summit host and Ethnic Leadership Conference for 25 leaders of white Christian organizations. As a result, the Executive Development Program was launched with 47 leaders attending from Newark, NJ, Detroit, MI and Dayton, OH.
Greg Thornton of Moody Publishers and Institute for Black Family Development launch Lift Ev'ry Voice, an imprint for the African American market.
Summit Group leaders start the Detroit Partnership, a collaboration of city and suburban pastors as a result of the Day of Outreach, a one-day service collaboration that served nearly 9,000 people sponsored The Summit Group (which became The Global Summit), Convoy of Hope, and area churches.
Larry Carter of Great Lakes Christian College and Institute for Black Family Development launch an Associate of Arts in Family Life Education.
Willow Creek Association and The Summit Group collaborate to produce a five-DVD series featuring African American leaders who presented at the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit.
Dennis Hillman of Kregel Publications and Parker Books collaborate on publishing African American authors.
Radio Bible Class Ministries (later became Our Daily Bread) and The Summit Group collaborate on initiative to
address diversity within the Radio Bible Class organization.
Program & Joint Projects
Carver College in Atlanta, Georgia, to house the Matthew Parker Summit Group Collection. The Collection houses books, CDs, DVDs and articles from Summit Group leaders for research, scholarship and reference.
Grace College and Seminary and Detroit Bible Institute establish an Associate of Arts degrees for traditional and nontraditional students.
Global Summit 2013: Global Forum on Leadership hosted by Cornerstone University. Delegates from Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and South American in attendance. Presence of international participants prompted name change to The Global Summit.
2014 Global Summit at Best Western, Detroit, Michigan
2016 Global Summit 2016, Crowne Plaza, Grand Rapids, Michigan
2018 Global Summit 2018, Crowne Plaza, Grand Rapids, Michigan
2018 Establishment of the Matthew Parker Study Center, a vehicle to train the next generation of leaders
2019 Legacy Leaders’ Summit, Ocean City, Maryland
​2020 Global Summit City Partners established Virtually on Zoom due to COVID-19 pandemic
2020 Virtual Global Summit 2020 on Zoom due to COVID-19 pandemic
2021 Virtual Global Summit 2021 on Zoom due to COVID-19 pandemic
2023 Global Summit 2023 held at Our Daily Bread Ministries, Grand Rapids, Michigan